Ramka CafeBizarre Ramka Ramka
Dramatis Personae
FiliżankaWarszawa 2004.09.05

This was the second time we have been attracted to Ground Zero by Starfuckers duo for their party. As it was the last time the main event of the party was the sado-maso show, which this time turned to be rather erotic fetish one. The show was good and stimulating but the club itself have not managed to keep up the good impression it had made on us the last time. However we have had lots of fun there it was not through DJs and rest of staff work but rather despite their efforts. It looks like the club is not too much interested in such customers. Well, we can live with that!

Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05 Warszawa 2004.09.05
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             Fashion Show 2005.04.23 >>>>>
             BB Kicz Party! 2005.04.01 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.12.17 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.11.27 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.11.14 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.10.03 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.09.05 >>>>>
             Bialystok 2004.08.28 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.08.20 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.08.15 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.07.22 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.06.19 >>>>>
             Warsaw 2004.06.13 >>>>>
             Socho 2004.05.21 >>>>>
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