Ramka CafeBizarre Ramka Ramka
Dramatis Personae

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Hmmm... but we still does not know all about it by ourselves. As it was mentioned before the project goes kind of sponanous way. What we know for sure is that we will develop the project by night parties in our city while dressed freely strange. This is what we definitelly like to do. The second thing will be development of our photos and artworks galleries beacuse we do make photos and we draw etc. and we surely would like to share it with others. And what more? Well, we are open for any ideas. Personally I think about the on-line meetings with hooka (water pipe) - there is hardware and will for it. But can not promise. After all who would like to watch it anyway... But the same goes for this site also, isn't it?


Ah, there you go... Bizarrians is the way we think it would be nice to describe people like us. Frankly speaking we are kind of neophyts in this "denomination"... And this name is not really our idea also since it has been developed among our friends - -by the way big thanks for Wielki Drzewieczny here (his nickname mentioned here does mean something but I am affraid it is not possible to translate it to English). So it is not ours but we liked it from the first hearing and adopted instantly for our perverted use. And that is all folks - please experience the rest of our site.

Dae, 04 Sep 2003

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